Friday 6 December 2013

Thesis - Representation of Parenthood in Juno and We Need To Talk About Kevin

A perfect relationship.
  • The film plays on the idea that there can never be a prefect relationship and there  is always struggle.
  • Ellen Page, who plays Juno MacGuff in the film Juno, portrays a teenager in the stages of her unplanned pregnancy. 
  • The style in Juno is similar to We Need To Talk About Kevin because they have both clever and quick dialogue. 
  • Juno is shown as a struggling teenager who forms a bond with her unborn that leads to difficult decisions later. 
  • This could relate to We Need To Talk About Kevin because Kevin could be because of the relationship between him and his mother. 
  • In Juno, she faces the fact that giving her children up for adoption would result in changing her child's life and breaking the bond between her and her child.

Where does the responsibility lie?
  • The main point to question in We Need To Talk About Kevin is whether the result of Kevin is because he was naturally a born sociopath or whether it was result of bad parenthood from the mother Eva, played by Tilda Swinton.
  • I think this is what the film is trying to get across in the film as they mainly focus on the relationship between the mother and son, this is because they want to show the struggle that Eva has to go through. 
  • The father doesn't seem to get blamed for the outcome of Kevin because throughout his son's childhood he seemed ignorant of Kevin's chilling actions that results in a mutual hate with Eva, the mother.


  1. This is incomplete - you are intending to have 2 points in a 2000 word essay?

    A bit confused as to where the essay plan is.

    Where are the 4/5 key scenes and their comparison? The eyeball etc?

    Your next task is to flesh this out with MICRO analysis of the textual details.

    I am also concerned as to the representational issues - isn't Kevin represented as childhood to be feared, something mother has produced that in inheritantly evil? Is this the same as Juno?

    What about the representation of fathers in this?

    You have an awful lot of work ahead to craft this into a 1000-1500 word essay draft.

    1. what do the films say about motherhood & fatherhood? Extended adolescence?
    2. What about the relationship between mother and son - smothering, the fear of not having a bond? There is a great scene where he wont stop screaming so she stands next to a pnumatic drill to drown him out and it seems like a relief.
    3. How does the baby's father and prospective father in Juno come across?
    4. What about the resolution/ending - what rewards/punishments/relationships are there?

    So far without the evidence


  2. This appears to be more of a thematic response to the messages rather than a focus on representation
