Tuesday 8 October 2013

V for Vendetta Character Priest scene

Do the characters use or challenge the stock characters of the genre and how does this create meaning?

This image represents the character that is the bishop as the stock character of the 'Whisky Priest', which is where his morals do not abide to the norm of the religious status. In this case, the bishop in the scene is with Evey, posing as a prostitute, dressed as a young girl. It also symbolic that the painting of Jesus on the cross is also in the scene as this shows that his religion is looking down on the bishop, judging him. It could also be there to show that there are eyes on the bed, to show clues of the sins that are about to partake there.

Evey acts as a helpless young women, who as her stock character, would be a 'Damsel in Distress', as she is trying to fight but is struggling. It doesn't help that Evey is dressed as a innocent young girl.

In this picture, V is the 'Lone Vigilant' as he bursts through the doors saving Evey from the bishop, all with a low camera angle, as seen here, to make V look more powerful than the others in the scene. He protects Evey from the bishop which could show how he is also a hero as well.


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