Thursday 17 October 2013

Assessed Writing

The film 'V for Vendetta' represents a dystopian future where revenge is portrayed through one of the main characters, V, in which he threatens the fascist life that is created by the deceitful government, in order to get revenge and gain freedom. The moral that freedom is more important than life, is represented throughout this film. Revenge is one of the main themes throughout the film, as V wants to get back at the government for the unjustified experiments that killed thousands of people in order to create a perfect race, including V himself where he was disfigured by the mistakes of the government. The theme of Guy Fawkes is also present in the film, whether it's shown through the masks worn on V in order to hide his true identity  or whether its the symbolic reference to blowing up the parliament in the final scene. The government uses fear to control the people, whether its the fascist views that has some references to Hitler, especially Chancellor Sutler's speech, with Nazi type flags and uniform. This sets the scene for the film. V tries to get across the idea that you shouldn't trust your government as they are all responsible for their future and they all the antagonist, even V himself, however we see him as the protagonist as his views are justified. When people are united through an idea there is no stopping what can happen. This was the message that V was trying to get across, and as V said in his scene with Creedy, "Ideas are bullet proof". The idea that we support both an antagonist and terrorist that is V, is that his ideas and means are justified, this would be another moral that is taught that terrorism is condemned as long as it's justified. This is what I think the film is trying to say as we see V as everyone, as everything that has happened to their government; damaged, broken and corrupt.

1 comment:

  1. Good effort.
    The key themes have been identified along with analysis of the message that the film explores. Add greater depth in your use of examples from the text and develop you opinion/argument into a thesis in the introduction.

