Thursday 17 October 2013

Children of Men - Key Messages and Ideas WORK FOR HALF-TERM

There's a lot of deeper meaning to Children of Men, this would be to do with the messages that they get across in the film. The film shows the struggle of Theo, played by Clive Owen, in his journey to save Kee, played by Clare-Hope Ashitey, who is pregnant. 

In this first picture it is near to the beginning of Theo's journey, and the pain that he has to go through. Below shows Julian, played by Julianne Moore, after being shot by activists. What makes this even more saddening is the relationship between the two characters Theo and Julian because at the beginning of the film it seemed like an old romance is being re-kindled before she was shot. The significance of this could be referring the destruction of love and how badly corrupt this dystopian government has become.

For one this picture is significant because it relates to the main Children of Men film poster of the character Theo staring out of broken glass. What's particularly significant about this picture is that he's looking out of the broken glass onto Kee, who brings for hope in the film. So this must be hinting that there is hope for the broken country.

This scene shows the birth off Kee's baby, aided by Theo who helped with getting Kee a place to stay and give birth. The film touches on the idea of religion because Theo and Kee are almost like Joseph and Mary, as he finds a place for her to stay. So this scene here could be referring to the birth of Jesus, because in Christianity he gave faith as Kee's baby gave faith to the dystopian nation and united everybody. The idea that one baby can save mankind after years of nobody reproducing is an example of verisimilitude, because this idea is believable because of the dystopian theme throughout the film.

This image shows Theo protecting Kee and the baby from any gunshot. The scene is showing the soldiers stopping their gunfire for Theo and Kee because they realise that she's carrying a baby. This is one of the first signs of hope in the film because it shows that even in war where life is destroyed, a life can be born. It also shows how they are becoming more united as they protect Kee and her child. 

Throughout the film it's clear that hope and faith is the main message and idea and producers are trying to get through. There is also a portrayal of fear in the film, this is because fear is installed in the refugees to control them and only when Theo loses all fear, he then continue to save mankind. 

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