Tuesday 11 March 2014

Cinema in the UK

MID 70s: There was a recession in the UK.
What did people do if they didn't go to the cinema?
They watched TV.

They had more money, pocket money, able to spent, social context (disposable income).

There was rock and roll. Teenagers didn't exist before the 1960s. Kids went to work before then. Cinema attendance was down before the blockbusters. back then blockbusters saved the cinema as they bring people in.

Because people are downloading films online for free, it reduces the amount of profit for films and films get more generic.

Why did multiplex cinemas come about?
America created the idea that it also matters where you watch a cinema as well.

Film distribution was hard because the film reels were heavy. Film companies create the films then sell in the multiplex cinemas that they own, their not going to let independent cinemas sell their films so thats why independent films went out of business.

INDUSTRIAL, LIGHT AND MAGIC Special Effects Company:
George Lucas and Steven Spielberg created the company and they both created Star Wars and E.T. Shows that they created the films to show off their special effects.

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